The Perfect Fruit Flora Arrangement for Your Enneagram Type
December 21 2020 – Hoson Xiao

Flowers say a lot about a person’s taste and personality, much like an Enneagram number. Personalities can be identified, analyzed, and simplified for the sake of learning, introspection, and growth. It’s a great conversation starter tool, much like flowers.
While an Enneagram number and flora can’t speak for themselves about who you are, they reflect your personality and interests. If someone walks into a room and sees a bouquet, they can identify preferred colors and type of flowers, and perhaps even what aesthetic you may be interested in with the vase choice.
Much like flowers, if someone learns your Enneagram number, they will not know everything about who you are as an individual human, but they can get to know other interests and associated character treats. Flora and Enneagram are great party starters and set the tone for a room and friendships.
Check out the fruit flora that is perfect for your number, all available at Rustic Reach:
The Reformer and the Achiever
The Reformer and the Achiever love to cut to the chase, which is why they should surround themselves with flora that is simple yet eye-catching. Both Enneagram numbers seek purpose and are conscious of how they appear to others. Remaining modest on the outside yet complex internally helps them identify their goals and follow through with a plan. They don’t love to surround themselves with fluff, which makes the Artificial Fruit Large Olive Stem a perfect fit for their space.
The Helper and the Enthusiast
Fueled by love and whimsy, the Helper and the Enthusiast seek to live life to the fullest – whether through other people or countries. They pursue simple beauties in this world and live for fulfillment. These two numbers make lemonade out of lemons, which makes the Artificial Lemon Stem the perfect flora for them.
The Individualist and the Challenger
Expressive and intuitive, the Individualist and the Challenger live their lives in the sense of “self.” They feel whole-heartedly and wear their hearts on their sleeves, whether they know it or not. They don’t live by fear of judgment – they live unabashedly as themselves. This is why the Artificial Mango Fruit Stem is the perfect flora for them. It stands out in its own way and isn’t afraid of not fitting in.
The Loyalist and the Peacemaker
The Loyalist and the Peacemaker like to keep life safe and simple. They don’t beat around the bush; they seek to stand by their loved ones and make sure that everyone is happy. They find joy in comfort and calm, which is why having soft flowers in their home helps fuel their needs and ambitions. The Artificial Berzelia Stem is a perfect fit with its pastel colors and gentle disposition.
The Investigator
A bit of a wild card, the Investigator is hard to get to know. With many layers and walls of intellect and curiosity, they can put up a front that makes others have to pry their way in. That’s why the Artificial Large Red Pomegranate Fruit Stem is the perfect representation of this number. How something looks on the outside can be entirely different than how it looks on the inside. The Investigator is like a pomegranate: They have a hard exterior with lots of sweetness to be discovered on the inside.